Thursday, December 1, 2011

DOT putting stickers on their parking signs

Two Department of Transportation employees have a pretty repetitive job right now.

They were seen today outside our office putting stickers on parking signs, changing 'HR METER PARKING' to 'HR MUNI-METER PARKING.'
Thank goodness they hopped right on this, because I for one would have been even more confused than the signs already make me.

To the DOT's credit, at least they're saving money by not replacing the entire sign.

The DOT is replacing every single-space meter in the city right now, saying the muni-meter's are better because they offer more parking spaces (Unless they don't know how to pull up to the car in front of them!), you can pay for parking with a credit card or dollar bills and not just quarters, they break less and are less expensive to maintain.

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